Each year, real business people like you – who create jobs and economic prosperity across Minnesota – descend on St. Paul to rally for pro-growth economic policies in Minnesota.
This is your opportunity to stand up for freedom of opportunity and choice for your business and your industry. Join the Minnesota Chamber and the Shakopee Chamber on February 27 for Chamber Day at the Capitol. Don’t miss your chance to meet with legislators from your area and share your business story and the importance of supporting business opportunities over mandates.
Click here to see a recap of last year’s Chamber Day at the Capitol!
1:00 p.m.: Registration:
Pick up your nametags and materials for the afternoon.
1:30 p.m.: Welcome:
Doug Loon, president, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce kicks off the afternoon along with business owners from around the state telling their story of how mandates are affecting their businesses.
2:00 p.m.: Legislative Appointments | Issue Sessions | Lobby Headquarters
Legislative Appointments: Make an appointment to meet with your local legislators at their individual offices.
Issue Sessions: Attend organized issue briefings with key legislative leaders on mandate policies coordinated by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce.
Lobby Headquarters: Grab a refreshment and gather with the Minnesota Chamber lobby team to discuss legislative policy, write letters to the editor, record testimonials and write thank you notes to legislators.
4:00 p.m.: Reception:
Legislators are invited to join our members for an evening reception.
5:30 p.m.: Adjourn
Head back to your district with the satisfaction you have carried the voice for your business community. Don’t forget to send a thank you to your legislator or catch them for a follow up next time they are back in your community.